Ever since I was a pre-teen I have wanted my own fashion line. I've always thought it would be so amazing to see people wearing my graphics on a t-shirt. That's why I'm finally creating emerald mayflowers. I was born in the month of May which explains all aspects of my brand. Emerald is the birthstone and a mayflower (also known as Lily of the Valley Hawthorne) is the flower that represents May and makes up the second part of my brand name. I love flowers and think they are beautiful so a lot of my designs will have some sort of floral element.
Deep Sea Halloween: Spooktober Part 5 →
The time is here, Halloween is in two days. Hopefully everyone had a great Halloweekend and if you still need a costume for Tuesday here is my last idea. A...
Skin And Bones For Halloween: Spooktober Part 4 →
Week by week we are getting closer and closer to Halloween! I can't believe how fast this month is flying by. This week the costume idea is a skeleton, I...
Lifeguard On Duty This Halloween: Spooktober Part 3 →
This is the perfect costume for any last minute Halloween festivities you may have. Many people have had the summer lifeguard job and may still have a few accessories in...
Sinking My Teeth Into Halloween: Spooktober Part 2 →
It's week two of Spooktober! Who is excited for this Halloween season? How many of you already have your Halloween costume planned out? Well if you don't this blog post...