emeraldmayflowers — white
Spring Has Sprung
blogger clothes emeraldmayflowers fashion outfit inspiration pastels photography pinterest small business spring trends white

The season of new beginnings is here and in full force. Something about 60 degrees and flowers blooming really makes my heart happy, the allergies on the other hand I could live without. Working at a clothing store makes it pretty easy for me to add pieces to my wardrobe to allow me to keep up with the trends. Trends this season include; PASTELS, hair scarfs, small floral prints, babydoll dresses, and trench coats or blazers with shoulder pads. I'm usually a person that loves to wear neutrals but something about the spring makes me want to wear all the...
Last Minute Holiday Outfits
blogger Christmas clothes emeraldmayflowers fashion green holiday outfit inspiration pinterest red white

Christmas is ONE week away! Seems pretty unbelievable if you ask me, I don't know where this month has gone. I feel so behind on everything holiday related this year, I'm still searching for Christmas gifts. By this time last year I had everything wrapped and prepped for Christmas day. We all know this year didn't go as planned though and we keep rolling with the punches. Find your holiday cheer any way you can. For me I love putting together cute outfits for any and all occasions. I put together four outfit ideas that are perfect for any small...