We all know the old saying, "one man's trash is another man's treasure." I'm always searching for ways to implement this idea into my everyday life. I love going to Goodwill or other thrift stores in my area to get items to change up into something new. Crafting puts me in my happy place and it is so relaxing to sit in front of my sewing machine and create items that I am proud of. This project was pretty simple and only required a few materials to make. I needed elastic, a men's button up shirt, and a sewing machine. The most time consuming part of this was taking the measurements and making the suspender portion of this outfit.
I have been creating DIY projects for as long as I can remember. Crafting is something that my sisters and I would do in our free time and it made us even closer. However, half of the time it ended up them asking me to finish up their projects though. Every time our parents would go, out once we were old enough to be home alone, we would have a spa/movie night or a craft/movie night. We had a lot of fun times and were always so excited to show our parents the final result of our projects. Memories that will last a lifetime were made during our crafting nights. Whenever I was bored or didn't know what to do I would always go to Pinterest and find a new project to try and create.
To get even more inspiration I enjoy watching fashion and thrift flip videos on YouTube. For this DIY I wanted to take a men's button up shirt and make it into a skirt with suspenders. This was such a fun project for me because the end product looks completely different from the original item. At first look you wouldn't know that this was once a men's button up shirt. With spring coming up this is such an easy project to do. I used a button up that was three times bigger than the size I typically wear. To make it even easier I could have used a button up with sleeves, since I didn't do that the skirt portion ended up being slightly shorter than I would typically want it to be. This is something I will remember the next time I make this project. This project has endless possibilities when it comes to color options and length. Having the sleeves on the shirt to begin with would've made making the suspenders even easier than they were. The skirt has a paperbag waist which you can customize to different widths depending on your preference. I hope this gives you some inspiration to create something new from old clothing.
I look forward to making even more projects that I can share with all of you. It is such a fun past time for me and I love that I have this platform to share my creative ideas. As spring is in full swing and summer is on the cusps I hope to make even more of these and cute summer shirts to add to my wardrobe.